Spots available countywide for free civics classes to help prepare for the Citizenship Test

HUDSON COUNTY — The Secaucus Public Library will offer civics classes to local library patrons to help them prepare for the Citizenship Test, beginning on Jan. 21 on Saturday mornings, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The classes are free to resident library patrons who have begun the process toward citizenship or are ready to begin the process. Class size will be limited to 20 students and offered to Secaucus residents first, so those seriously interested should reserve their space early. A waiting list of non-residents will be kept and they will be invited to join the classes as space permits. Dr. Dennis Pope has volunteered to teach the civics classes. Pope has had years of experience in this field and has taught it on the college level. He earned his doctorate in American Government and Constitutional Law from Rutgers University and taught on the university level for 36 years, including positions at Kean, Drew, Fairleigh Dickinson and William Paterson Universities.
To register, contact: Louise Rittberg at or call 201-330-2083.

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