Treats for the troops

Dear Editor:
Operation Gratitude is an organization that sends care packages filled with candy, entertainment items and letters to the troops. The Parents’ Association of Hoboken Charter School (HCS) supported this organization this and last year by giving the students plastic bags and blank index cards so that we could donate our extra Halloween candy and write a message to the troops. Last year, HCS students donated 47 pounds of candy. This year, we donated over 142 pounds of candy! The shipping cost was sponsored by generous HCS families. This year, the HCS Parents’ Association approached the Hoboken American Legion Post 107 to request their support of Operation Gratitude. So, along with the 142 lbs of candy, we also forwarded a cash contribution from them of $100. We are glad that HCS students have supported our nation’s troops by giving them the experience of Halloween.

Sonya Pashkovski
Hoboken Charter School 6th Grade Student

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