If I had the power

Dear Editor:
At the Nov. 19 Board of Education meeting, Mr. Robert Anderson, President of the Secaucus Teachers Association chastised the Board for permitting Governor Christie to visit Secaucus High School, and allowing the governor to address a select group of students and hold a press conference.
Speaking for myself, I viewed two statements Mr. Anderson made that night that the Board should be “ashamed” for No. 1. Allowing Gov. Christie to visit Secaucus High School. No. 2, Allowing him to address a group of students, total ridiculous statements. To my way of thinking it was just another example of Mr. Anderson being Mr. Anderson. Thus once again putting his foot in his mouth. I visualize the press covering this Board meeting having another field day with his “ashamed” statements.
However to my amazement, not one of the papers covering the Board meeting thought Mr. Anderson’s statements were important enough to mention in their coverage of that meeting. Consequently, the reason for this letter.
As one of nine members, I would like the record to show I disagree with some of Gov. Christies’ Educational Policies. Nevertheless, if I had the power to refuse the governor from coming to Secaucus High School and addressing some of the students, I would not have done so.
However, I am interested in knowing Mayor Gonnelli’s position regarding Gov. Christie’s visit. For the record, Mayor Gonnelli and members of the Town Council had the opportunity to follow the governor throughout his classroom visit and his press conference. Board members did not. The mayor and council had their picture taken with the Governor. The Board members did not.
So, my question to Mayor Gonnelli. Do you agree with SEA President that the Board should be “ashamed” for allowing the governor to visit? I’m interested in getting a response from Mayor Gonnelli.
For the record, the mayor was in attendance at the Nov. 19 Board of Education meeting when Mr. Anderson chastised the Board. Mayor Gonnelli had the opportunity the give his position. He said nothing. Mayor Gonnelli, I wish you have given your opinion at that time. However, better late than never. We may disagree on the issue of the governor’s visit, yet, I’m sure you will agree with me, there is no need to be as disagreeable as Mr. Anderson was that night.

Tom Troyer

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