Dedication to Principal Strynar

Dear Editor:
It was gratifying and certainly deserving for a portion of the Erie Street in Jersey City to be named “Principal Marvin A. Strynar Drive. This dedicated educator and principal of the Rafael Cordero School (formerly PS No. 37) touched the lives of thousands of young people and has inspired many throughout the entire city. He also assisted the families of the students that he came in contact with and he did this with vigor and dedication.
I had the honor of working for Principal Strynar at the Cordero School as an elementary school teacher prior to entering into the field of law enforcement. I was able to witness first hand the sincere and intent interest in the well being of his students, not only on an educational basis but in the area of improving their daily lives within the community.
This superb human being assisted in housing, jobs and the health and welfare of his students and their families. He further inspired all of his staff to be the best that they can be for the students. It was never about Principal Strynar but always about the kids.
May Principal Marvin Strynar be blessed with many more years and health and happiness and I am a better person today for having crossed paths with this icon.

Juan M. Perez
Former Teacher, Cordero School (PS No. 37)
Retired New Jersey State Trooper Captain
Former Sheriff of Hudson County

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