Another successful Spelling Bee for the Concerned Citizens of Bayonne

To the Editor:
Forty sixth, seventh and eighth grade Bayonne students participated in the annual Spelling Bee sponsored by the Concerned Citizens of Bayonne on Nov. 21 at the C.W.V. Post 1612.
Congratulations to all of the participants, who performed admirably, and to their parents, teachers, and schools. Special congratulations to Quratulain Malik, a seventh grader at Midtown Community School (first place); Abner Dela Cruz, an eighth grader at Horace Mann School (second place); and Ifath Sadath, an eighth grader at Woodrow Wilson School (third place).
The Concerned Citizens would also like to extend a great big “thank you” to all those who helped make the Spelling Bee possible: Dr. Patricia McGeehan, Bayonne superintendent of schools, for distributing the notices among the public schools; the principals and teachers of All Saints Academy and all of the Bayonne public schools for the wonderful job they do and for encouraging students to take part in the Spelling Bee; the members of the C.W.V. Post 1612 for the use of the hall and all of their help; the judges Charlene Bini (enunciator), Susan Barbieri and Carol Kochanski for a job well done; Al McCormick for the use of the Spelling Bee materials; and last, but certainly not least, the CCB members who were there and helped organize the Bee, Jean Perrucci, Joe Kochanski, and Dominick Feeley.
The Concerned Citizens of Bayonne are proud and happy to do whatever we can to encourage Bayonne’s youth. They are Bayonne future!

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