Unique view on why hospital matters

Dear Editor:
On the Friday before Halloween, I was admitted to the Hoboken University Medical Center (“St. Mary’s”) for a posterior nose bleed that only an operation could stop. My condition is not the subject this letter. This letter is meant to Thank the staff of St. Mary’s hospital. They were kind, helpful and calmed me as much as they could calm anyone who has never been in the hospital for more than stitches and now found himself in the hospital for a four night stay complete with blood transfusions. I am sincerely grateful to the staff that helped me through my scariest Halloween. I would especially like to thank Dr. Jandali, Rina, Becky, Minnie, Ed, Agnes, Edna, and Marcus. I am so glad the hospital will be in Hoboken for at least another seven years. I live alone, have no car, and don’t get out of Hoboken very much. Having a hospital that is a two minute, $6, cab ride away is important to me and to many of the 50,000 people who live here. Our Nation’s founding document puts Life before Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I put Life and Health before profit and parking.

Thanks again,
The Birthday Boy with a bloody nose in room 410,
David Calamoneri

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