Hoboken City Hall preparing statement on FBI arrest; employee due in court Wednesday afternoon

HOBOKEN AND BEYOND — Hoboken City Hall said Wednesday they were preparing to release a statement regarding the arrest of Patrick Ricciardi, a Hoboken City Hall employee who surrendered Wednesday morning to Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to face allegations that he intercepted communications meant for Mayor Dawn Zimmer and top city officials. According to the FBI, he allegedly passed them on to other current and former city officials.
Ricciardi is scheduled to be in court at 2 p.m.
Rumors have been swirling since the FBI raided Ricciardi’s office earlier this year that someone in his office may have slipped confidential information to opponents of the mayor.
Several of the mayor’s top opponents have been contacted and their comments will be posted once we receive them.
For more on this story, see below on hudsonreporter.com for the news posted earlier today. Also see related links below to stories written earlier this year.

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