State court asks AGAIN for WNY school board prez to step down

WEST NEW YORK AND BEYOND — The NJ Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Outside Activities of Judiciary Employees issued a letter on Wednesday, Nov. 2, requesting once again that West New York Board of Education member Cosmo Cirillo step down. The first letter was issued on Aug. 11.
Cirillo was appointed to the board by former Mayor Silvio “Sal” Vega, who was replaced in May by Mayor Felix Roque. Roque has been pushing for Cirillo to step down because of the legal ruling.
The state found that Cirillo’s full-time job as a clerk with the West New York municipal court conflicted with his board membership and was in violation of the Code of Conduct for Judiciary Employees.
Cirillo had appealed the ruling. But the most recent letter stated that the AOC had reviewed the documents that Cirillo and his attorney, Edward T. Rogan, had submitted in protest, but they did not change the ruling.
Cirillo has not yet responded to the AOC’s second request and remains on the board. Roque told the Reporter Monday that now, he plans to take some sort of further action.
As to why Cirillo refuses to step down, Roque quipped, “He might be waiting for God himself to call him.”
Roque was successful in pushing two other Vega-appointed board members to step down last month after finding that their appointments had violated state regulations.

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