‘You are in good hands with Mr. Roberts’

Dear Editor:
I would like to commend the Guttenberg Board of Education on their hiring of Mr. Thomas Roberts as the Interim Superintendent of Schools for the Guttenberg School District. Mr. Roberts is the perfect model of respect, honesty, trust, integrity and communication skills for a school leader. These are qualities that that were synonymous with outstanding school superintendents for Guttenberg over the past forty years: Mr. Patrick Forenza, Dr. Frank Alfano, Dr. Robert Penna and Mr. Robert Tholen. It is a widely known fact that district morale hit rock bottom over the past few years for administrative staff, main office staff and parents. In a short period of time, thanks to Mr. Roberts, district morale has reached an all time high. We all know that great accomplishments can happen with great leaders.
There use to be a TV commercial which stated “You Are In Good Hands With All State.” Currently in Guttenberg “You Are In Good Hands With Mr. Roberts”. Again congratulations to the Guttenberg Board of Education for a job well done hiring Mr. Roberts.

Joseph Forenza

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