Whether it explodes or not

Dear Editor:
I was at the Gas Pipeline meeting last Wednesday on 10/19, and applaud everyone who got up to speak their mind. As many have said, the Spectra Gas Pipeline would be a disaster for Jersey City whether it explodes or not. It would put thousands of lives at risk, lower property values, discourage future development. Such development would mean thousands of long term construction jobs. But I understand that union members prefer the guarantee of a job now, rather than the hope for a better one in the future. I disagree with them, but look forward to being on the same side next time.
There is no need for a new gas pipeline through Jersey City. The tri-state area doesn’t need more energy to grow its economy, we need to use different energy sources, and to stop wasting energy. We need to grow our economy by renovating our buildings to be more energy efficient using better insulation and geothermal heat pumps to cut HVAC costs in half, putting solar panels on our rooftops, and improving and extending our rail system so it becomes the preferred method of transport, not the one of last resort. We needs a better electrical power grid to carry power from Wind Farms on the Atlantic Coats and from the Midwest, and Solar Farms in the Southwest. This would be economically viable if oil, coal and gas companies didn’t shift their costs onto us in devious ways. Most of the financial risk from accident comes from our pockets. Hydro Fracking extraction of natural gas results in toxic water that is not cleaned properly before being dumped into our rivers. We suffer from asthma and cancer and other ailments, pay higher water utility costs, higher food costs, and higher health care costs. When natural gas is burned it releases Green House Gases affecting our climate, resulting in Billions each year from drought in the West, and flood damage in the East and its going to get far worse. Finally, these companies receive more than 20 Billion Dollars in governments subsidies every year. That’s our tax dollars. When we look at total cost, Clean Energy is Cheap Energy. To put it simply, Windmills don’t explode, Solar Panels don’t pollute, and Geothermal Heat Pumps don’t change our climate. Clean Energy saves money, saves lives, saves the planet, and creates jobs. So take action. Insulate your home, put up solar panels, use fluorescent or LED bulbs. Do it yourself or hire a local contractor. Use the Energy Choice program to get your electrical energy from Clean Energy sources. Elect officials that stop fossil fuel subsidies, connect our power grid to clean energy sources and fund a strong EPA. Every day is a chance to create a better future.

Andy Velwest
Jersey City

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