Ravi Bhalla endorses Dan Levin and Rolando Lavarro

Dear Editor:
I write to wholeheartedly endorse Dan Levin and Rolando Lavarro as candidates for the Jersey City Council-at-Large seats. I support Dan and Rolando as candidates because we share a common goal: creating an open and transparent government that is accountable to its voters. Both Jersey City and Hoboken face similar challenges, whether it’s public safety, stabilizing property taxes, responsible development, and others. By working together across borders and sharing ideas, we can create more effective local governments throughout Hudson County.
This Nov. 8 special election in Jersey City is very important. It is an opportunity to change from “who you know” politics as usual to an environment in which elected leaders actually listen to and serve their constituents. Dan Levin and Rolando Lavarro have each worked tirelessly over the past decade as public servants, listening and responding to community needs and fighting to improve the quality of life in Jersey City. Just as importantly, in the corrosive atmosphere of corruption and patronage that pervades Hudson County politics, I can personally attest that Dan Levin and Rolando Lavarro are men of integrity. They are running for office for the right reasons – because of their commitment to the community and to helping Jersey City realize its full potential.
For these reasons, I am proud to endorse Dan Levin and Rolando Lavarro for the Jersey City Council-at-Large seats in this upcoming special election. Notwithstanding this endorsement, I would also note my support of the efforts of two additional candidates: Imtiaz Syed and Adela Rohena. Both Mr. Syed and Ms. Rohena are also exceptional candidates who would also serve Jersey City well and deserve your consideration.
Make sure you go out this Tuesday, Nov. 8 and vote for Dan Levin, 15 F, and Rolando Lavarro, 12 C.


Ravi S. Bhalla
Council President, Hoboken

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