Our incumbents deliver

Dear Editor:
We encourage voters in Hoboken and Jersey City Heights to support the Column A Democratic candidates in Tuesday’s election. At a time when many voters are disillusioned with incumbents, our representatives in the NJ State Legislature and the Hudson County Board of Freeholders have served our communities well and deserve re-election.
We feel compelled to endorse Freeholder Anthony Romano for re-election because in the past 3 years he has impressed us with his dedication to his constituents and his ability to deliver services from Hudson County to Hoboken and Jersey City Heights. Some readers may remember the hard-fought 3-way primary race for the open District 5 Freeholder position 3 years ago. Mr. Romano assumed his role as freeholder with a clear message that Hoboken felt short-changed by Hudson County – change was needed, and he has worked very hard to deliver it.
Freeholder Romano has proven to be an approachable and responsive elected official. He returns phone calls and gets results. He understood that county taxes were hurting Hoboken homeowners disproportionally, and he went to work. After speaking up and voting no on two budgets that he felt were unfair to his constituents, he earned the position of Vice-Chair of the budget sub-committee, giving Hoboken and Jersey City Heights a seat at the table.
After last December’s crippling snowstorm, we saw county snow removal trucks in Hoboken for the first time in recent memory. When part of Sinatra Drive North fell into the Hudson River, the county responded and fixed it promptly and efficiently. Uptown Hoboken residents will enjoy new recreational areas when the 14 Street viaduct re-construction is completed, in response to public input that Freeholder Romano sought during the planning stages of the project. During his tenure, Hoboken underwent the largest road resurfacing project in the district’s history. This is a remarkable record of achievement for any Freeholder in their first term. Anthony Romano deserves re-election to continue this work.
We also endorse Hoboken Assemblyman Ruben Ramos for re-election, who has fought in Trenton against cuts to programs that are essential for working people and families, and for funding to repair and improve Hoboken’s infrastructure. State Senator Brian Stack is a strong advocate for urban issues, a dynamo who continually works for us. County Executive Tom DeGise is a leader in securing funding for much needed open space in our county.
Please vote to re-elect these fine public servants on Tuesday, November 8 with the entire Column A Democratic team.

Thank you.
Ines Garcia-Keim
John S. Keim
Real Democrats for Hoboken

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