Union City gets new police chief after controversy over old one

UNION CITY AND BEYOND — Union City Police Captain Brian Barrett will be named Union City’s new police chief, an official said, replacing former Chief Charles Everett who retired on Oct. 26.
Everett retired shortly before a report was released alleging that he manipulated the distribution of off-duty security work that was supposed to give preference to lower-ranking police.
Union City Mayor Brian Stack directed the city to hire attorney Walter Timpone to investigate Everett after News 12 reported that he earned money for off-duty security details at the town’s Jose Marti athletic field and pools in September. They also claimed to have videos of Everett arriving late, leaving early, and even exercising at the police gym while the Board of Education paid the Police Department for his extra work.
Stack also wanted Timpone to look into the possibility of redistributing police details, as he felt they were too heavily assigned to superiors on the force (costing the city around $1.3 million per year) rather than to those who earn considerably lower salaries.
Timpone recommended in the report that the 2005 Off-Duty Detail Policy be reinstated, all off-duty details are electronically tracked, that details closed to rank and file be eliminated and that the Director of Public Safety hold quarterly audits to ensure that PD-2Bs are completed and filed properly.
The report also recommends that disciplinary charges be brought against Everett and Hernandez for alleged Neglect of Duty, Performance of Duty, Obedience to Laws and Regulations and Failure To Comply With Lawful Orders.
The attorney general’s office is also reportedly looking into the matter.
It is not known when the new chief will be sworn in.

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