To the Editor:
Being a registered voter in Bayonne always meant something important to me. That meant maybe at the polls my voice could be heard by voting for the person I thought would be best for the job.
Well, I must say I am ashamed of the people that I voted for in 2010. I cannot believe that these men and women are sitting in those chairs not sticking up for the residents and their rights. Instead what I witnessed at a recent council meeting was a disgraceful act of child-like behavior from Mr. Ruane, Mr. Greaves, and especially Mr. D’Amico.
Ms. Czerwienski, why didn’t you say something in Mr. LaPelusa’s defense? I remember when you came around campaigning to my house – by the way, we have never seen you since – I was told by you personally that you would never keep quiet while you were on the dais. You were going to stand up for the people of this town. You are nothing but a liar, just like Mr. Greaves, Mr. Ruane and this entire administration.
Who is running the show around here? After the actions of those people on the dais, I hope the people wake up already! I know I did. I would like to apologize to Mr. LaPelusa for not voting for him. He may be the only one that still cares about us.