USPS should adapt to changing conditions

Dear Editor:
After reading the article about the potential post office closings in Hudson County and the letter from Mr. Tom DeGise, I feel that this is more an issue about convenience rather than what is best for the community. Yes, jobs will be lost, but we all must realize the time we live in (don’t need to remind everyone that we are going through the worst recession in history).
The fact that the postal service has lost millions of dollars in revenue from their services in the last decade due to the Internet is exactly why they need to do the things they are doing to stay afloat. The future for the USPS does not look any better. If the economy does improve, people will continue to use services like pay-by-phone or automatic bill payments through their banks. A potential solution where the community can benefit from – mind you, this should be the things Mr. DeGise should be doing rather than throwing fuel into the fire – should be to suggest to the USPS the following: Have a mobile service, where an employee that may potentially lose his/her job is trained with an IPad, computer or similar device on a mobile unit that travels to certain locations (with an armed guard), especially those where senior citizens are located, for them to conduct the services they need from the USPS.
I work for a company that makes adhesives and supplies the envelop industry and have seen this market drop by 50 percent in the last eight years. We cannot continue to think this way just because of convenience.
Kind regards,

Julio Diaz
North Bergen

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