Stack strongly opposes the closing of regional post offices

Dear Editor:
I write to express my strong opposition to recent news that post offices in our region may be closing after a review period that will study the usage of local post offices. This consideration of closure is extremely troubling as a result of the large local population that is an immigrant culture. Consequently, the postal service is vital to sustaining family and business relationships.
Many customers of local post offices do not have their own means of transportation. We are a community that depends heavily on both walking and mass transit as primary means of transportation.
The closure of local post offices would only discourage customers from using the post office to conduct essential business and would be a tremendous loss for our communities. Seniors and those without cars should not have to worry about how they will communicate with loved ones or pay their bills.
Just as all levels of government continue to be innovative and find methods to do more with less, the postal service must examine ways to meet the demands of the community.
Of course, I understand the arguments that electronic correspondence has reduced the volume of postal mail, but in our neighborhoods, there is still a great need for post offices. Bearing this in mind, I am calling on the United States Postal Service to keep local post offices in operation.

Brian P. Stack
State Senator

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