Our ‘funny’ mayor

Dear Editor:
Yes!!! Just when I was writing about our ‘funny’ mayor, the Hoboken Reporter stated that her supporters were complaining that the opposition made her look foolish. Our mayor does not need an opposition to make her look foolish. She is perfectly capable of doing this all by herself. Remember when she vetoed the decision of the board to waive the recreation fee. She, not only, went against the opposition, but her own people. Then a little ditty in the paper said if you could not afford it, you could apply to where. We all know, that people who can afford those fancy summer camps are standing in line, for the free or affordable public entertainment for children programs. Did Mayor Zimmer appoint a director of affordable summer camp? Unfortunately, education, in this country has gone the way of ‘equal under the law’ (if you have the money for a good attorney) by the people and for the people. (again, if you have the money) and education, since our rich government politicians have decided that teachers do not need unions. I, personally, have lived where teachers had no bargaining power – education suffers, draining from the bottom of the barrel, or from spouses, rich enough, to donate their other half to education. Education is pitiful in these states. People seem to think their teachers should just appear, educated, clean and living the good life, to show their children the way. It sounds ridiculous, put this way, but it is the truth. We need to protect our teachers and the great people who donate their time in the summer. We need to arrange for them to protect themselves, or build bigger jails.

Bonnie Toadvyn

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