School system: A well-oiled machine

To the Editor:
It’s time to congratulate Mayor Mark Smith and the entire Board of Education, under the leadership of President William Lawson, for extending and renewing the contract of Superintendent of Schools Dr. Patricia L. McGeehan. In doing so, they guaranteed that the students of the local public schools will be educated by one of the best school systems now operating in the state of New Jersey (and possibly the country).
While many of the school districts around us are continually in a state of turmoil, the Bayonne School System (under the guidance of Dr. McGeehan) continues to function flawlessly. Even the state mandated cuts in school funding couldn’t deter the superintendent and the board from maintaining a positive approach.
As a proof of this, all one has to do is tour the city and notice that there are many “Blue Ribbon Banners” adorning the public schools. These banners should make all of us very proud. (The superintendent attributes these honors to her fine, dauntless staff of administrators, principals, teachers, support staff, and maintenance people.)
Dr. McGeehan is a stern task master who tirelessly performs her duties with the same zeal and enthusiasm that she demands from all those for whom she is responsible. She is a 24/7 leader who does not impose anything on her workers that she hasn’t done or experienced during her career.
The superintendent treats everyone and everything equally. The only thing that matters to her is, “If it’s good for education, then it is good for me.” It is apparent that this credo is what makes the system work like a “well-oiled wheel.”
Dr. McGeehan is a positive role model for all students because their achievements, whether big or small, are all important to her. There are very few, if any, events and activities where she is not in attendance. She is always there to give the students a “pat on the back” for a job well done and to extend a glad hand of thanks to those administrators and teachers involved.
Throughout the state, there are so many people who are amazed by the work habits of our superintendent. As the grandfather of three youngsters who are in the public school system, I am thankful and overjoyed to have “Patsy” as the superintendent.
One thing for sure is that if our children have anything coming to them from state or county funding, she will make sure that they get it.
Fellow citizens, “sit back and enjoy the ride.” It’s so refreshing to know that thanks to the mayor and the Board of Education, Dr. McGeehan will be making each and every student better citizens for years to come.


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