Working together makes a difference

Dear Editor:
According to the NJ Forest Service a “hazard tree” has a structural defect that increases the likelihood of hitting a target and causing personal or property injury. Such was the case recently in Union City’s Washington Park Soccer Field, and along Palisade Avenue near the entrance to Washington Park. In the soccer field (not a natural field but artificial turf) a large branch of a Sycamore tree was jutting out above the entrance to the field and ready to break. I posted signs (in spanish) asking parents and coaches to notify the city of this tree hazard. DPW eventually came to cut 4-6 limbs off the tree. Thanks to the 2 DPW workers and the soccer moms & dads, and coaches for their calls. The second tree was a Norway Maple whose falling limbs almost struck a man walking his dog one weekend in late May. I thank Hudson County’s Divison of Forestry for removing this tree hazard. I particularly thank Juan for talking to me and I wish him well in his continued studies. I also want to thank all those who joined me in the “Action Alert” via email to address this pressing problem and notify county parks. The action of these citizen volunteers is commendable. Their united efforts protected the lives of our children and park users. But, clearly, the trees through lack of attention, did not live out their natural lives. Finally allow me to make a respectful request. All trees in Union City’s Washington Park must be inspected and inventoried and where removal is warranted (and a last resort) this must be expedited. I would draw attention to the sycamore trees in WP Soccer Field on the NY Avenue side with dying tree tops and brittle appearance. For those who don’t know Union City has a commissioner in charge of Parks and Public Property should you need to report a tree hazard not on private property. I look forward to more talking one on one with my neighbors and sharing out love for gardens and trees and parks.

Your neighbor
Tony Squire

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