City repairing Hoboken Pier A Park 9/11 memorial, damaged in May

HOBOKEN – As planning for a permanent 9/11 memorial in Pier A Park in Hoboken continues, the “teardrop” glass memorial which lists the names of Hoboken residents who died on Sept. 11, 2001 has been damaged and taken by the city for repair.
Although the issue has recently generated attention in the local news, some of the damages date back to at least May 3.
A police report from May 3 showed that the four-sided tear drop memorial was missing one side, which was displaced from the rest of the memorial.
Another glass side of the memorial was found in the grass, and a portion of it was held together by tape, according to a police report from May 3.
First Ward Councilwoman Theresa Castellano had recently brought up the issue at a council meeting.
Police say the damage appears to come from rough weather conditions, not vandalism.
On June 20, the Hoboken Police Department were about to do a detail check of the memorial, but the memorial was missing. Police say the memorial was removed by the city of Hoboken for repairs.
A larger, permanent 9/11 memorial is currently being planned, and the original target date for completion was Sept. 11, 2011, but it doesn’t appear likely that the permanent memorial will be complete by that date, according to Director of Community Development Brandy Forbes, who discussed the matter at a recent council meeting. – Ray Smith

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