Hand picked puppets

Dear Editor:
The constant audacity demonstrated by our present body of representatives now serving their Jersey City constituents, with an exception of a few are an abomination in decency.
Our municipal government did experience some turmoil. There were members of the Council affected by federal indictments which eventually led them to plead guilty to certain accusations. There was another who decided to leave because of personal reasons. Each one submitted their resignations, which left vacancies. Their replacements were hand picked by Mayor Healy with Council approval, one had a special election. Unfortunately as expected, these new representatives are manipulated marionettes, controlled by the puppeteer.
They obviously have no respect to comply with the desires, wishes and well being of the residents. The undeniable truth is their prejudicial documentations of agreeing, supporting and voting for almost every sacrilegious maneuver endorsed by the Mayor, no matter how irrational or absurd? They follow blindly without administering good decent sympathetic judgment, while disregarding any responsibility of potential consequences.
This slow painful torture will eventually have no Disneyland ending, of living happily ever after, but it will leave few options available and will definitely contribute to a mass population exodus. Anyone agreeing to this disgraceful display of accepting exorbitant increases in payments must definitely question one’s intelligence. There are some on the City Council that believes in a logical approach, but unfortunately they are a minority.
The same mistakes are repeated, such as tax abatements. Do they really entice businesses and construction into the area, and at what cost? These abatements have proven to be a total sellout to the residents and taxpayers. It obviously doesn’t improve the quality of life for most. It does though, allow carpetbaggers to enter our City, drain our finances and reap all the rewards. The goal was to stimulate the municipal economy and bring jobs into the community? How many Jersey City residents, are actually employed by these companies, in which we were forced to subsidize?
Recently the City Council granted another tax abatement. One Councilperson actually demanded “respect” from a resident, who legitimately questioned their illogical motives
“respect” must be earned and not automatically given just because you are an appointed puppet that wasn’t elected by the people. It’s also a two way street? So far you and most of the Council Members didn’t even reach that first plateau in obtaining this privilege.
The Mayor is great in blowing his own deceptive horn, while portions of the City are violently deteriorating into oblivion. We as taxpayers forcibly compensate many multiple forms of political patronage, including municipal bonuses of obnoxious payouts, promotions, fabricated positions, duel and triple job holders, hidden salary increases, abatements, rehiring of retirees, and corruption.
All this while Healy authorizes smoke in mirror tactics, which includes layoffs, targeted at low level employees compounded with furloughs and givebacks, touching even the Police and Fire Departments, all except for his political cronies. Don’t you as a resident and taxpayer of Jersey City feel humiliatingly used, abused and violated?

William P. Frasca

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