Bye bye Hoboken

Dear Editor:
It has been two years and Hoboken has swept the stories of corruption, state takeover, bribes, payroll benefits to employees who don’t work for Hoboken, police scandal, state attorney general reviewing last year’s election and crumbling infrastructure under the rug after three less than spectacular mayors. Why haven’t Teresa Castellano, Nino Giacchi, Beth Mason and Tim Occhpiniti responded/denounced Mike Russo’s actions? These lack of inactions are an implicit affirmation that the choices/decisions of Peter Cammarano and Michael Russo are ethical, criminal and morally okay. The town should hold a referendum to recall Mike Russo as his actions are unacceptable for elected official. Second, elected officials should sign an oath and be liable for all financial and health benefits received as this unethical behavior is not tolerable. I have lived here since 2004, and have seen the worst and saw the town make a positive step in 2009; I was an optimist; however this election has left a bad taste and I will take my tax dollars elsewhere.

Concerned Citizen

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