Get our money back

Dear Editor:
Earlier this year those of us who are residents as well as taxpayers in Union City were made aware of the sordid situation were as Katia Stack former spouse of our current Mayor reportedly has access to a municipal vehicle along with free gas for which she was not properly entitled to.
To this date, not one city official has come forward to assure us that the process of a full restitution of our hard earned Union City dollars will begin shortly.
Right now the number one priority of our current Union City Mayor is to continue his sightseeing tour of various neighborhoods in nearby Jersey City.
Some wonder whether or not he’s scouting any potential development sites for his heeled posse of campaign donors.
In a few weeks, I will end a nearly 29 year career as a Federal Agent employed by the Social Security Administration in Jersey City.
Those of us who work for this agency are very proud that for many years we have a system in place that allows us to fairly collect an extremely high percentage of overpayments which were paid out incorrectly to various claimants. One of our key tools has always been the ability to garnish benefits in order to achieve this important goal.
Many of us feel that it is high time for our Revenue and Finance Commissioner in Union City to put down the fashion magazine and begin the process to legally place a lien on Ms. Stack’s wages as a public official.
This isn’t rocket science.
It is high time that the current Mayor of Union City follows through and does the right thing and hopefully see to it that a similar situation can be avoided in the future.

Tom Regan

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