These three candidates

Dear Editor:
Carol Harrison-Arnold 2A Sue Mack 5A Marvin Adames 10A. As a third generation Jersey City resident I would like to endorse the above 3 candidates for the upcoming Jersey City Board of Educations (BOE) on April 27, 2011. These three candidates are running as a team with special qualities that when combined enhance their ability once elected to change the future of education in Jersey City for the better. Sue Mack a professional planner is the Vice-President of the BOE and for the last 15 years has been a strong voice for special needs education. Carol Harrison-Arnold a lawyer with a degree from University of Virginia, a community activist who is President of the Monticello Avenue Redevelopment Corporation and former President of Lincoln High School Parents council is a strong advocate for Parental involvement in the school system. Marvin Adames is a lawyer with a degree from Rutgers University who is now the Chief Municipal Prosecutor in Newark. Marvin spends his spare time mentoring children to give them the same opportunities aff orded to him. He is a strong leader in creating a safe environment so children can learn. Each one is a great role model for the children of Jersey City and together they will make us proud for representing not only the interests of the children but the voters and taxpayers of Jersey City. I ask you to please come out and vote on April 27 and vote for these three exceptional and dedicated candidates. Thank you.

Jeff H Kaplowitz
Jersey City

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