Police Beat

With friends like these, who needs thieves?

A Weehawken resident reported that some time between March 31 and April 1, a person kicked in the door to her 48th Street apartment and stole jewelry valued at $2,000.
According to a police report, the victim said the jewelry was hidden in a specific place that only certain people knew about. That, coupled with her statement that her pit bull did not react to the intruder, has led the woman to believe that an acquaintance or acquaintances may have stolen the jewelry.
The police investigation is ongoing.

Drug arrest on Dodd

Yunior Lago, 18, of North Bergen, was arrested on April 3 for alleged possession and distribution of marijuana. Lago was arrested after a citizen told police that Lago and two other individuals were parked in a car at the dead end of Dodd Street, allegedly smoking marijuana.
When officers arrived they found Lago allegedly under the influence of marijuana. They also found nine individually wrapped bags of marijuana that they allege were in Lago’s jacket. Lago was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, possession within 1,000 feet of a school, failure to voluntarily deliver drugs to the police, and manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing marijuana.
The other two individuals with Lago, both juveniles, were released.

Melee at police headquarters sends four to hospital

Four police officers were sent to the hospital on April 10 after the arrest of a Parking Authority employee led to a violent attack in the holding cell.
The employee was arrested after an altercation with Weehawken Police, apparently sparked by an incident that had taken place the night before.
According to a police report, the employee was stopped by police officers on April 9 as they responded to a call from a resident indicating that the employee may have been drinking alcoholic beverages while on the job.
However, when they stopped him, police determined he was not intoxicated and sent him on his way.
The following day, the same Parking Authority employee was seen ticketing cars in the parking lot near Town Hall. The Parking Authority’s only function is to enforce the residential permit program on the streets of town.
When a police officer approached the man to question him, the man allegedly began shouting expletives and allegedly made terroristic threats to the officer.
The man was placed under arrest and put in a holding cell where he allegedly became agitated again, punching holes in walls and becoming self-destructive.
When police intervened to protect the man from hurting himself, four officers were injured, police said.
The man was eventually subdued and brought to Hoboken University Medical Center, where he was examined prior to being taken to county jail.

Items stolen from cars on Sterling and Highwood avenues

According to police, on March 22, change, DVDs, and a pair of sunglasses were taken from a 2007 Jeep parked along Sterling Avenue. The owner of the car said it was entered sometime between 4 p.m. on March 21 and 9 a.m. on March 22.
Also on March 22, a man from Binghamton, N.Y. claimed that his car was taken from where he had parked it near Hudson Place and Highwood Avenue.
When he found his car further down the road near Liberty Place, it had been ransacked, there was damage to the ignition, and his GPS system had been removed, he told police.
Police remind residents to keep their car doors locked and keep all valuables that may be enticing to a thief (including GPS systems, cell phones, and electrical wires for such items) out of sight.

Someone on Blvd. East is getting ‘stoned’

The theft of pricey blue stones on the front of a Boulevard East home continues. Two weeks ago it was reported that over 20 blue stones (valued at approximately $100 each) have been stolen from the residential property since August 2010.
And on April 5, another stone was taken sometime between midnight and 11 p.m., according to a police report.

Tom Tom is taken

According to a police report, the owner of a 2006 Dodge Caravan said that during the overnight hours between April 6 and April 7, someone broke into the minivan and stole a Tom Tom GPS system, valued at $120.
Police said there was no sign of forced entry and the car had been rummaged through, but nothing else had been taken.

Humidor cash stash stolen

A Weehawken resident reported that sometime between April 3 and April 4, $350 in cash was stolen from her. Although she didn’t witness the theft, she is alleging that the culprit is her landlord.
According to police, the tenant and landlord are involved in an ongoing dispute regarding an illegal apartment and eviction attempt.
According to a police report, the woman kept the money in an empty humidor (which is used to keep tobacco fresh) in a common laundry area.

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