I support Jen

Dear Editor:
Jen Giattino is not a politician, she is a homeowner, taxpayer, and mom who has seen enough to realize she needs to take matters into her own hands; that is what is sorely needed in the 6th ward. Jen believes in an open and accountable government. She has no prior political experience, which means she has only the interest of the 6th ward residents to be accountable to. I will be supporting Jen in the Hoboken City Council elections coming up in May. She is a thoughtful and caring neighbor who will not only take the time to listen to concerns, but will take action to make a difference. Jen was key in starting the LOTS program at the Kaplan Preschool, originally called “Lunch on Thursdays”, which encourages parents to pack an extra lunch to be delivered to the Homeless Shelter. The program has expanded to 2 additional schools so it is no longer just on Thursdays and is now called “Lunch on the Students”. Jen has 3 children of her own and understands the importance of keeping our parks, playing fields and playgrounds safe for recreational use. A priority for Jen is fixing our soccer field so that the families in Hoboken can continue to enjoy the recreation activities within Hoboken. Jen also ran the Art in the Park Program for Hoboken’s Cultural Affairs Department for the past three summers. She is opposed to new taxes and will vote on issues based on real facts that will affect the 6th ward and our community. I think she would make an excellent city council person.

Jane McConnell

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