Hoboken Schools Superintendent: ‘The show must go on’

HOBOKEN AND BEYOND — Following the sudden resignation of Hoboken High School’s popular theater director, who said she quit because of alleged ‘harassment’ during the tenure of the recently-departed interim superintendent, the district’s new superintendent had this message for the community: “The show must go on.”
This week, Paula Ohaus, who has led HHS’s award-winning theater program for 15 years, resigned.
One school board member blamed a rival political faction of the school board for her leaving, and is urging people to come to the school board meeting this coming Tuesday at 7 p.m. and show support for her.
Meanwhile, new Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark Toback posted a letter on the district’s website.
He wrote: “During my first few weeks in Hoboken, I have been very impressed with so many aspects of the school district and the community. One example is having the chance to witness the quality of the Hoboken High School production of Hairspray. Mrs. Ohaus has worked to build the theatre program at Hoboken High School and the district is grateful for her years of dedicated service. Her resignation this week has created a void that must be filled because the ‘show must go on.’ I assure you that we will make every effort to continue the theatre program and to offer the opportunity for students to perform this spring. Thank You.”
The musical and Ohaus were written about in a recent Midweek Reporter. See story

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