School girl approached by man in van

BAYONNE AND BEYOND — A letter was sent to Bayonne parents on March 30 warning about a man in a van who apparently approached a girl near her school.
The incident, according to Schools Superintendent Dr. Patricia McGeehan, occurred on March 30 around noon near the Mary J. Donohoe School.
“While on her way to school during the lunch period, a man in a van stopped and motioned for the girl to come over,” McGeehan said. “The child did not respond and continued on her way to school. The incident was reported to the principal and the police were contacted.”
The Bayonne Police Department, McGeehan said, is investing the matter and has increased patrols in the area.
“Please speak with your child, encourage them to walk to school with other students and/or with adults and to immediately report anything suspicious to their parents or teachers,” the letter said.

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