Thanks for listening!

Dear Editor,

While I was riding on the #87 NJ Transit bus last week, I was surprised to see the new route that carried me through the intersection of Monroe and Observer Highway to Willow Avenue. Several of us asked the driver if the route was changed because of snow removal or something but the driver told us the route was changed to accommodate residents and relieve traffic jams.
I was so happy to see the new route because it made for a safer trip home for me. I no longer have to cross Observer Highway to get to my home now. This may seem like a small thing to some people, but for me, it was a terrific change. I learned later that Councilman Tim Occhipinti had contacted NJ Transit on our behalf to ask for the new route. I write this letter as a thank you to Councilman Occhipinti, who has been very attentive to the residents of the city in the short time he has been in office.
Thanks for listening and thanks for getting action on our behalf, councilman!

Elaine DePinto

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