Think spring

After getting hit with some of the worst winter weather in decades, it’s finally time to change gears and start thinking about spring. Don’t delay – before we know it, the flowers and trees will be in full bloom, it will be too late for spring sports tryouts, and we’ll be an hour behind the times because we’ll have forgotten to set our clocks forward.
You can get a jump on spring right now by getting out and taking advantage of all the town activities going on this month. If you haven’t done so already, the first thing to take care of is registration for any of your children who are involved in athletics. For softball and soccer, call the SecaucusRecreationCenter, starting immediately, at any time during regular operating hours: (201) 330-3299.
Softball is available for girls in grades 3-8, and soccer has a co-ed K-3 option and three travel teams: Under-10 and under-12 for boys and under-13 for girls. If little league baseball is what you need, registration takes place from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Little League Field Clubhouse in BuchmullerPark. Tryouts are March 12, and the season opens on April 9. For more details on the Little League, visit their web site: To sign your kids up for the Babe Ruth League, head over to the SecaucusRecreationCenter, 1200 Koelle Blvd. Registration takes place Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Next on the calendar we have a handful of celebrations that will definitely bring the spirit of spring to Secaucus. On March 12, the Senior Citizen St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon will take place at the High School at 12 p.m., and then from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. American Legion Post No. 118 is hosting an all-you-can eat Corned Beef Dinner at their facility on the corner of Second Street and Centre Avenue. On the 20th you can come enjoy Holi, The Festival of Colors, over at the old recreation building on 123 Centre Ave. And if you like the Arts, definitely close out the month by seeing a great show at the PAC, because the Secaucus High School play – Anything Goes – starts up on March 31 and runs through April 2.
The entertainment in April doesn’t stop with the end of the school play. On April 7, the Service Activities Involvement and Leadership (S.A.I.L.) club is hosting the Spring Fling Senior Prom at the High School, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Call (201) 865-4422 for reservations or information. The full slate of great activities continues with the High School/Middle School Science Fair on April 14, the Town Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on April 16, and the Arbor Day tree planting event at the Clarendon School on April 29.
Also, be sure to start clearing out storage spaces and stop wondering where you’re going to put the piles of colorful ties you’ve gotten for Father’s Day or the last batch of figurines your mother-in-law gave you, because the month ends with our annual town-wide garage sale (April 30).
Considering our dedicated staff in every department from Recreation to Senior Services, it’s no surprise that May will bring more excellent programming, featuring a comprehensive health fair at the High School, the Harmon Meadow Run for the Warrior 5K Race, the Secaucus Memorial Day Parade, Town Pool Registration, and many great events at the PAC. These shows include the High School Musical Review, the Middle School Drama Performance, and a May 7 appearance by the Hit Men – a great band featuring former members of star acts like Frank Valli and the Four Seasons, Carly Simon, Barry Manilow, and Cat Stevens. In addition, the annual Fishing Derby is scheduled to take place in morning on Saturday, May 7.
As you can see, there’s a lot to keep us busy in the next few months, and with good reason. Along with us in Town Hall, the school district, local organizations, and so many individuals like you and your neighbors strive to make Secaucus the engaging community that we are. I appreciate that every day when I think about how many great opportunities there are for our residents to take part in activities that they enjoy. Please visit our website,, for more information on all that this town has to offer.
This is especially important now that the sun is threatening to come out, and it’s looking more and more like we actually might be past the snow. No matter how hard it is to believe with all the miserable weather we’ve been having, our most beautiful season is really just around the corner. It’s time to clean our yards, throw down some grass seed, and knock the rust of the garden tools. It’s time to get active and get ready for a fresh start. Its’ time to think spring!

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