An update from the 4th Ward

Dear Editor:
Since I took office in November, I’ve been working to bring 4th Ward issues to the forefront of the City Council agenda. So far, we’ve been able to accomplish a number of short-term items and have gotten to work on issues that have been of concern to 4th Ward residents for years. I promised to bring people together and I’ll keep working on that, and I hope you’ll continue to help me, too.
I’m excited to report that we have made tremendous progress on two parks projects in the 4th Ward. A renovation to Mama Johnson Field on Jackson Street is closer to reality. We have entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Housing Authority and working with the administration to make funds available in the 2011 budget to upgrade the drainage system and to resurface the playing field, bringing this field up to the standard our kids deserve.
The park at 1st and Jefferson streets, next to the Boys and Girls Club, will be renovated and restored as an attractive open space for our neighborhood. Right now, the city is awaiting the results of a grant application that would help pay for the clean up and beautification. The results are expected in April, but, even if we aren’t awarded the grant, I’m working with the administration to make the necessary funds available in the 2011 budget.
I’m happy to announce that I’ve been appointed as chair of the City Council’s economic development and planning committee, and as a member of the quality of life/parks and recreation committee. These important committees will have an impact on how our ward grows, including the development of the southwest park and the impact that any new development has on our neighborhoods.
I hope the mayor follows up her announcement of an open space initiative with some specifics, especially as it pertains to a new park in the city’s southwest. Residents here have been waiting for years and the time to make this plan a reality is now.
The most important part of a city councilman’s job is getting seemingly little things done, like potholes, street signs and traffic lights. Towards that end, I can happily report that the light at 5th and Harrison streets has been repaired, and we’re still working on getting lights on Jackson repaired. Potholes have proliferated in our ward, especially after the tough winter weather. Thankfully, the crews at Environmental Services have been doing as well as a job as they can taking temporary measures to fill potholes on Monroe and Jackson streets, with more to come as the weather warms up.
We have been working together, across the political divides, to get things done for the 4th Ward and will continue to do so. Please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at (201) 420-1445 to share your thoughts or to bring attention to issues that affect our neighborhoods.

Tim Occhipinti

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