Hoboken State of City: Zimmer proposes $20 million park bond ordinance; says taxes will go down

HOBOKEN – Mayor Dawn Zimmer introduced a $20 million bond ordinance in her first ever State of the City address in DeBaun Auditorium on Feb. 22 in front of approximately 250 people. In addition to addressing other city issues, Zimmer said the city will cut taxes “significantly more this year.”
Zimmer addressed parks, the waterfront, wheeling, parking, snow removal, and other city business in the speech, which lasted approximately one hour.
Zimmer also set forth three goals for the city from her administration. One goal is “to operate as fiscally responsible and cost effectively as possible so [the city] can reduce and stabilize taxes for the long term.” A second goal outlined in the speech is to “address the city’s significant infrastructure challenge.” A third goal presented is to “improve the quality of life for all Hoboken residents.”
The crowd was filled with city directors, concerned citizens, politicos in Hoboken, as well as some Stevens students.
The mayor also referenced the “tough decision” of laying off city employees last fall in her speech, and said her administration is able to make the “tough decisions.”
“Personnel costs represent the vast majority of our operating budget, and we cannot cut spending without addressing salaries and staffing levels,” Zimmer said.
An initial reaction from Councilman Tim Occhipinti regarding the parks bond ordinance was that he would like to wait and see where the parks are proposed, adding he had more questions about the specifics of the bond ordinance to be proposed.
Zimmer said she hopes to present the ordinance at the March 2 council meeting, when the 2011 city budget will also be introduced.
For more on the State of the City and the issues addressed, pick up a copy of The Hoboken Reporter this weekend. — Ray Smith

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