UPDATE: Former Secaucus Town Administrator Iacono, who was busted in Hoboken, fired by Passaic

SECAUCUS AND HOBOKEN – Passaic Mayor Alex Blanco has given the ax to Business Administrator Anthony Iacono, who once held the same position in Secaucus.
Iacono was arrested Thursday night in Hoboken after being pulled over during a traffic stop. According to sources, Iacono was pulled over while driving a Passaic municipal vehicle going down a one-way street in an effort to get around a Hoboken fire truck responding to an emergency.
Hoboken police asked him to submit to a breathalyzer test, which according to one source, he passed. However, during the stop police caught Iacono allegedly attempting to get rid of a substance police believe is cocaine.
Iacono, who served as town administrator in Secaucus under former mayors Dennis Elwell and Anthony Just, most recently worked as administrator in Passaic under Mayor Blanco.
According to a televised report, Blanco issued a statement in which he said: “I was notified early this morning about the arrest of Passaic’s Business Administrator Anthony Iacono. The allegations against Mr. Iacono are serious. While I am saddened for Mr. Iacono’s family, my Administration is committed to a zero-tolerance policy in regard to misconduct by city employees. This morning I ordered the termination of Mr. Iacono from his position as Business Administrator effective immediately.”
Iacono has been hit with several charges including possession of cocaine, but has not yet been to court to enter a plea. The Record of Hackensack quoted Hoboken Police Chief Anthony Falco as saying he was also charged with driving while intoxicated and motor vehicle violations.
More details will follow as they become available. – E. Assata Wright

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