Breaking: Former Secaucus Town Administrator Iacono — who now works in Passaic gov’t — arrested in Hoboken in connection with cocaine

SECAUCUS AND HOBOKEN – Former Secaucus Town Administrator Anthony Iacono was arrested Thursday night in Hoboken after being pulled over during a traffic stop. According to a reliable source, Iacono was asked to submit to a breathalyzer test, which according to the source he passed. However, during the stop police caught Iacono allegedly attempting to get rid of a substance police believe is cocaine.
Iacono, who served as Secaucus Administrator in Secaucus under former mayors Dennis Elwell and Anthony Just, now works as the business administrator in Passaic.
As of press time, he remained on the job and had not been suspended from his position. Passaic City Hall is closed today for Lincoln’s Birthday. Neither Iacono nor Passaic Mayor Blanco was immediately available for comment.
Iacono was charged with cocaine possession and at least one other charge.
More details will follow as they become available. – E. Assata Wright

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