Public hearing on NJ redistricting scheduled for Sunday

HUDSON COUNTY – The U.S. Census Bureau has begun to release the results of last year’s survey of the nation’s population, with stats for New Jersey among the first to be released. ne reason New Jersey’s numbers – in addition to those for Virginia, Mississippi, and Louisiana – were released early is because these states have elections coming up soon that might be affected by redistricting due to population shifts. Redistricting means that the boundaries of the state’s legislative districts will be redrawn.
For the upcoming elections, the state’s Apportionment Commission has already begun work on a new legislative map for New Jersey. As part of this process the commission will hold a number of public hearings on redistricting, including one scheduled for this Sunday in Hudson County.
This public hearing will be held on Sun. Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. at the Culinary Conference Center at Hudson County Community College, 161 Newkirk St. in Jersey City. The meeting will take place in the Scott Ring Room on the second floor.
The meeting will give Hudson County residents an opportunity to offer their input into the redistricting process, which will ultimately influence policy-making in New Jersey for the next decade.
Redistricting will affect many important issues, such as education, transportation, taxes, gun laws, and a host of other concerns. A number of politicians throughout Hudson County, including some who are in danger of losing their seats in the state legislature, have urged county residents to attend Sunday’s public hearing.
The New Jersey Apportionment Commission will be scheduling other public hearings in the future. To find out when other public hearings are scheduled, call (609) 292-9106. – E. Assata Wright

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