Various groups, officials praise plans for new NJ-to-NY rail tunnel

HUDSON COUNTY – After Senators Lautenberg and Menendez announced plans in Newark on Monday for a new Amtrak “Gateway” train tunnel that will take passengers through Hudson County into Manhattan, various unions and New Jersey political officials issued statements praising the project. The new rail tunnel and line will be an alternative to the Hudson River commuter rail tunnel killed by Gov. Chris Christie in October.
Among those praising the announcement was Secaucus-based Assemblyman Vincent Prieto. Prieto issued this statement:
“Thanks to Gov. Christie, we’ve had a $600 million hole-to-nowhere in my district that symbolized one of the worst decisions any governor has ever made. But Sens. Menendez and Lautenberg and Amtrak have put sound economic and transportation policy over sound bites. I laud their leadership and look forward to this plan moving forward. The governor’s decision was disastrous for the people of Hudson County, New Jersey commuters and the 6,000 people who lost their jobs when this project was halted. But under this alternative plan, we have renewed hope for progress. I realize much work remains, but at least we’ve re-embraced a vision for a stronger future in which we tackle tough problems and keep our state moving forward.”

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