
I want to give my appreciation to former Hudson County Sheriff Juan Perez who will go down in the history of the county as the best sheriff ever to have served us the people.
I observe the appearance and demeanor of the sheriff’s officers in the courthouse, parks and the county buildings and can say that Sheriff Perez really brought this department up in pride and in performance of their duties. I’ve seen them patrolling the parks and making sure that all in the park, especially the children are safe. In fact there was an incident reported in the news that a male in the park was up to no good and was possibly going to harm children and with the help of the new cameras in the park and the sheriff’s officers on duty this man was apprehended.
I am proud to have supported Sheriff Perez and thank him for his actions to protect all of the people in the entire county. Sheriff you will be missed.

Michael Giacomazzo

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