Jersey City Councilwoman Flood resigns; mayor appoints Ahmad to fill vacancy

JERSEY CITY – Rumors that at-large Jersey City Councilwoman Willie Flood was planning to step down from the council have now been confirmed.
This morning Flood, who has been ill, resigned from the council, according to a release from Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy.
The mayor immediately nominated attorney Kalimah Ahmad to serve out the remainder of Flood’s term. The remaining members of the Jersey City Council must still confirm Ahmad’s nomination.
“I want to first thank Councilwoman Flood for her many years of service to the people of Jersey City,” Healy said Thursday shortly after Flood’s resignation was made official. “She has been a great advocate for the city and we are grateful for her hard work and dedication.”
Ahmad, who runs a private law practice, currently serves as assistant county counsel for Hudson County and counsel for Irvington’s Board of Adjustment and the Hudson County Schools of Technology Foundation. She is also the regional director of the Garden State Bar Association, and is a member of the Educational Arts Team Board of Trustees.
“Kalimah not only has an excellent resume and extensive experience as an attorney, she also has been active in her community for many years,” said Healy. “We believe that she is an excellent candidate for this important seat on the Jersey City Council and are hopeful that she will be confirmed.”
Flood was appointed to the Jersey City Council in 1990 as councilwoman at large and was elected to the position the following year. She served one term before leaving the council to run for mayor. Flood returned to the council in 2005 and won her at large seat again in 2009. – E. Assata Wright

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