The dangerous life of a Hoboken pedestrian

Dear Editor:
Mayor Zimmer’s extra-legal idea to ask drivers to keep to a speed limit of 20 miles per hour may sound like a good one. A far better one is to enforce the laws already on the books. Few drivers in Hoboken bother to stop at stop signs and those that do only look for other cars and not for pedestrians. My husband and I both walk to most places in town. We have been screamed at, cursed at and had a variety of fingers pointed in our direction for simply trying to cross at a stop sign. The notion of crossing in a sign free cross walk is truly suicidal.
One recent morning while walking down Bloomfield Street, I was nearly run down by a large silver SUV that actually was stopped at a stop sign. Unfortunately, he only looked for other cars in the cross street and began to drive while I was still in front of his vehicle. His response to my admittedly hostile shout was that he had already waited for a whole minute and that he was sorry. I don’t think his being sorry would have done me much good had his four thousand pound vehicle hit me.

Susan Moore

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