The Bayonne Educational Network at Bayonne High School announces its schedule for the week of Jan. 19 to the 25. Programs can viewed on Cablevisions Channel 77 and Verizon FIOS Channel 40.

Wednesday, Jan. 19:
12 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
2 a.m./p.m., District News
4 a.m./p.m., Mann – Fall Curriculum: BIGS – Environmental Suggestions/Solutions
4:30 a.m./p.m., Midtown – Holiday Concert
5 a.m./p.m., Vroom – Fall Curriculum: Introduction to Engineering, Grade 4
5:30 a.m./p.m., Donohoe – Eighth Grade Ring Ceremony
6 a.m./p.m., District News
8 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints
9 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
11 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints

Thursday, Jan. 20:
12 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
2 a.m./p.m., District News
4 a.m./p.m., Donohoe – Eighth Grade Ring Ceremony
4:30 a.m./p.m., Mann – Fall Curriculum: BIGS – Environmental Suggestions/Solutions
5 a.m./p.m., Midtown – Holiday Concert
5:30 a.m./p.m., Vroom – Fall Curriculum: Introduction to Engineering, Grade 4
6 a.m./p.m., District News
8 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints
9 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
11 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints

Friday to Sunday, Jan. 21 to the 23:
12 a.m./p.m., District – Spelling Bee
1 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Frederick Douglas/George Washington Carver
2 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Robinson/Harris
3 a.m./p.m., District – Geography Bee
4 a.m./p.m., Lincoln – Winter Concert
5 a.m./p.m., District – Spelling Bee
6 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Frederick Douglas/George Washington Carver
7 a.m./p.m., District News
8 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Robinson/Harris
9 a.m./p.m., District – Geography Bee
10 a.m./p.m., Lincoln – Winter Concert
11 a.m./p.m., District News

Monday, Jan. 24:
12 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
2 a.m./p.m., District News
4 a.m./p.m., Vroom – Fall Curriculum: Introduction to Engineering, Grade 4
4:30 a.m./p.m., Donohoe – Eighth Grade Ring Ceremony
5 a.m./p.m., Mann – Fall Curriculum: BIGS – Environmental Suggestions/Solutions
5:30 a.m./p.m., Midtown – Holiday Concert
6 a.m./p.m., District News
8 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints
9 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
11 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints

Tuesday, Jan. 25:
12 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
2 a.m./p.m., District News
4 a.m./p.m., Midtown – Holiday Concert
4:30 a.m./p.m., Vroom – Fall Curriculum: Introduction to Engineering, Grade 4
5 a.m./p.m., Donohoe – Eighth Grade Ring Ceremony
5:30 a.m./p.m., Mann – Fall Curriculum: BIGS – Environmental Suggestions/Solutions
6 a.m./p.m., District News
8 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints
9 a.m./p.m., Black History Biographies: Matthew Henson, Thurgood Marshall, Mary Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois
11 a.m./p.m., Jake’s Game of the Week: Oresko/All Saints


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