Contract for Hoboken sink hole awarded

HUDSON COUNTY — The Hudson County Board of Freeholders voted on Jan. 13 to approve a $2.1 million contract to Sparwick Contracting, Inc, of Lafayette, N.J. for the emergency repair of a section of Sinatra Drive in Hoboken.
On Oct. 13, Harold E. Demellier Jr. the director of Roads and Public Property declared an emergency because a portion of the roadway commonly referred to as Frank Sinatra Drive had collapsed.
County officials said the work has been ongoing even during the recent snowstorms in order to make certain the area is stable. The roadway was undermined when parasites deteriorated the wood structure under the road. The county will install steel bulkhead to replace the wood and is expected to bring in a crane to begin installing steel piles shortly.
This will involve some high level of noise, officials said, noting that the damaged area affects only one business and that county engineer’s office has determined that area stable.
The work at stabilizing that section will be completed by May, officials said, but noted that the county is only responsible for that section of the street. The rest of street is under the jurisdiction of Hoboken municipal government.
The county has applied to the state Department of Transportation for extraordinary aid to pay for the repair, but if this is not granted, officials say the county will use aid it gets from the state, diverting it from other projects.

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