BREAKING: More bad news for Hoboken waterfront Engineers say $3.6M repairs needed for Pier A

HOBOKEN — There may be more problems on the waterfront than the city of Hoboken originally thought.
After the collapse of Sinatra Drive North, a county road, in October, the city began a waterfront-wide inspection of properties public and private.
Mayor Dawn Zimmer said in a letter dated Tuesday, Jan. 18 to constituents and council members that newly discovered problems with Pier A were found. The Pier A recommendations come in addition to the problems of Sinatra Field and Castle Point, and are estimated at $3.6 million. The city will have to add that when they bond for $12 million for Sinatra Field and Castle Point.
“The most surprising part of Boswell’s findings is that we have an estimated $3.6 million in damages that need to be addressed with Pier A, that was built approximately 10 years ago,” Zimmer said in the letter.
Zimmer said Pier A is “fully safe at this time” but said that the mud line of the Hudson River under Pier A has receded, leaving steel piles exposed to deterioration from the tides.
She called the announcement “disturbing news,” but said the city will “face this challenge and ensure that our waterfront is repaired and protected.”
The issue will most likely be addressed at the City Council meeting on Jan. 19.

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