What’s going on in the Hoboken Construction Code office?

HOBOKEN – The confusion surrounding the happenings of the Hoboken Construction Code office continued on Friday when a city press release revealed that Hoboken has retained Tom Shannon to serve as Acting Construction Official in the Construction Office on the part time basis and Mario Patruno, the Electrical Subcode Official, to serve as Acting Construction Official when Shannon is not in the office.
City spokesperson Juan Melli said Al Arezzo is still the Construction Code Official, but would not comment on the status of Arezzo’s employment, saying it was a “personnel matter.”
Sources have indicated that Arezzo had been or would be suspended, but the city would not confirm nor deny any suspension. Councilman Michael Russo had said at the Jan. 5 council meeting that he was concerned with the way an employee was treated, without naming Arezzo specifically.
A call to the construction office revealed that Arezzo was out of the office. A publicly listed number for Arezzo was out of service on Friday early afternoon, and he was not able to be reached for comment. – Ray Smith

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