‘We can’t thank you enough’

To the Editor:
To Fran at The Learning Zone:
Words can not come close to expressing the gratitude we feel towards you. I can remember the fear we felt the first morning we handed our precious infant over at 7 a.m. Since that first morning we knew we didn’t have to worry, as our son was obviously in great care. The care provided is your job, but the love you and the girls gave Eric was free of charge and priceless to us. Eric has learned so much from the Learning Zone, whether it be days of the week, songs to sing, or everyone’s name. Almost everyday he came home with a new talent.
You are truly an angel and we can’t thank you enough. Please extend our deepest appreciation to Loretta, Natasha, Jessica, and Nanette, as you all have a warm place in our hearts.

Eric, Jackie, and Eric Jr.

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