Starting the new year with praise

To the Editor:
Hi, everyone:
This is Elaine Bottino, wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year.
To our great Mayor Mark Smith and council members, keep up the great work. The city is moving forward. I know Jason O’Donnell, our new assemblyman, will do a great job for us in Trenton. We have great programs in our schools and churches. There are wonderful afterschool programs for our youth and children today. For the seniors that get involved, there are wonderful events to attend. The BEOF does a wonderful job with all their programs. Al Sullivan always keeps us informed with our great community news, which is free to all the people. The Bayonne P.A.L. does a great job for all our children and youth with their programs all year round. I am so proud to volunteer for the P.A.L. summer program.
The Bayonne High School students that are in the choir, plays, and instrumental program keeps the youth off the streets. The Board of Ed. school bus drivers for the special ed. children that you pick up, thank you for a wonderful job. Our superintendent does a great job. To the Board of Ed. staff for all your work with the children of Bayonne, thank you for a great job.
To the Bayonne Fire Department that sends the firemen to all the schools to teach the kids all about fire prevention, keep up the good work. To our Bayonne Police Dept. that protects the city, thank you for watching over us. To all the crossing guards, nurses, and doctors that take good care of us, thank you.
Please keep your walks clear for our mailmen. Patronize our great restaurants, for our children of today like pizza. Keep our stores moving ahead. To our great gymnast Frances La Villa of Henry Harris School, keep going on your balance beam; hope to see you in the Olympics.
I hope everyone enjoyed my letter. I wrote it from my heart. Just keep me in your prayers. Just wanted to start the New Year off with praise.


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