Hoboken City Council to hold special meeting Monday so they can pay employees, etc.

HOBOKEN – The Hoboken City Council will convene for a special meeting on Monday, Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. at City Hall to address budget appropriations.
According to a letter from City Auditor Steve Wielkotz to Business Administrator Arch Liston dated Jan. 7, the city cannot pay employees on the payroll or pay any bills until temporary budget appropriations are passed by the City Council.
The administration proposed to the City Council on Wednesday evening that a temporary budget be passed that would address the city’s finances through the first quarter of the year. But Councilman Michael Russo introduced a budget plan of his own at the meeting which would carry the city for only the first six weeks of the new year, in order to keep the administration’s “feet to the fire” to have a budget presented to the City Council in February. The issue was tabled to the Jan. 19 meeting, but the issue will now be addressed on Jan. 10.
Zimmer said on Thursday that the plan of the administration is still hoping to present the budget to the council in early February. — Ray Smith

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