Thanks to Rep. Sires for his help

Dear Editor:
I must write to commend Congressman Albio Sires and his very, very able and dedicated staff. I had an issue with a mortgage company and contacted Congressman Sires’ office by email. Within two hours of sending the email, the very able Ms. Erica Daughtrey of Congressman Sires’ office had phoned me and actually had the mortgage company on the other line. That’s the sort of service we can normally only dream about! Suffice it to say that, after over two months of stalling, we had a mortgage commitment and locked rate within five days. We, Congressman Sires’ constituents, are extremely lucky to have such a fine and dedicated Congressman who works tirelessly for his constituents and is always available for our problems, large and small. And we are especially blessed that Congressman Sires has chosen such outstanding people to represent him in his local offices. I offer my sincere thanks to the Congressman and his staff (especially the dedicated Ms. Daughtrey) and wish them all very happy holidays and a great 2011!

Elizabeth Mulcahy,

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