Corner Cars: How did you vote?

Last week, we asked the readers to vote in our online poll which asked the question, “Is Corner Cars a good program for Hoboken?” The issue was addressed at the City Council meeting, and the results swung heavily in one direction in our poll. To see the results of the poll, check out the story “Could Corner Cars get the boot?” on HudsonReporter.com.

Community meeting on parks and open space Dec. 6

Mayor Dawn Zimmer will host a public meeting on Monday, Dec. 6 to discuss parks and open space issues within the community. The meeting will take place at the first floor gymnasium at the Rue School, 301 Garden St., from 7 to 9 p.m.
Topics will include an update on planning for parks at 1600 Park and Hoboken Cove, the reconstruction of the soccer field at Sinatra Park, and a discussion on other open space issues of concern to the community.

Western Edge community meetings announced

The Western Edge Redevelopment plan was tabled by the City Council in late September, and now the community will have a chance to go back to the drawing board in early December. The Western Edge is an 11.4 acre area on Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe streets, from Ninth Street to 14th Street that stands to be redeveloped.
Two additional community meetings to “provide further opportunities for public input” have been announced. The first meeting will take place on Dec. 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Wallace School Gymnasium, 1100 Willow Ave. Another meeting will be held on Dec. 9 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hoboken Public Library, located at 500 Park Ave.
The most recent plan for the Western Edge called for 581 residential units, 58,837 square feet of retail, 353,019 square feet of office space, and 58,837 square feet of business incubator space. The plan was received negatively, for the most part, at a community meeting in September. It is available on the city website.
The format of the meeting will be workshop style, as residents can come in at any time to raise their concerns. Tables will be set up so residents can provide input on issues that have been raised, according to a city release.

Sinatra biographer to appear at Lepore’s Chocolate, Historical Museum on Dec. 12

James Kaplan, whose first volume on Frank Sinatra entitled Frank: The Voice debuted last month, will read from the biography and sign copies for sale on Dec. 12 at the Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., at 4 p.m. Kaplan will also appear at Lepore’s Chocolates, now located on Fourth Street between Washington and Bloomfield streets, 2 to 3 p.m. Kaplan has also written or co-written biographies of John McEnroe, Dean Martin, and Jerry Lewis, two novels, and hundreds of profiles of major figures for magazines including The New Yorker, The New York Times, Vanity Fair and Esquire.

Caroling with St. Dominic’s Women’s Choir, Dec. 15

The St. Dominic’s Academy Women’s choir will once again lead a group of carolers through the neighborhood near the Hoboken Historical Museum. Anyone who would like to join the singing or have the group stop by their home (within about a six-block radius of the museum) should call the museum at (201) 656-2240. The event starts from the museum at 6:30 p.m. Participation is free.

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