Perez extends thanks and appreciation to voters of Hudson County

Dear Editor,
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the 26,000 plus voters of Hudson County who cast their ballot on my behalf for the Office of Sheriff in this General Election of Nov. 2, 2010.
My team and I are extremely gratified, overwhelmed, and appreciative for your support and your concern about honest and integrity in the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office. The intelligent voters of Hudson County voted for the man Perez not the party, as was not the case with the opposition. Since 2008, I have been your Sheriff, working every day to improve upon and serve you in the area of public safety concerns. I have demonstrated a caring for the men and women of the department who, on a 24/7 basis, protect and serve our residents in all parts of the county.
During the campaign, I was so proud to have garnered support from every diverse group in our county. I will never forget the friendships made with people of all nationalities, backgrounds, ethnic, and racial groups. I consider myself a much better person for having the opportunity to interact in all ethnic and religious forums with many, many people.
From the bottom of my heart, my dear friends and supporters, I offer my sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation, and I leave my future up to the good Lord. I stand today as I always have with my head up high and know that I have left the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office in much better condition than when I found it in early 2008. I am proud to have served with my administrative staff and all of the staff of the department both sworn personnel and civilians.
I have maintained a high standard throughout my life of honest and integrity. I have set this forth in my tenure as Sheriff, and with the help of the Lord, will continue on this path for the rest of my life.
God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Juan M. Perez
Sheriff of Hudson County

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