Blue Chapel should get historical marker

Dear Editor:
I’d like to suggest further action for the former Blue Chapel which Mayor Stack and Commissioner Fernandez both affirm as worthy of a significant historical claim of respect.
Recently Commissioner Fernandez spoke about Union City’s “historical marker plan” and this aired on cablevision’s Neighborhood Journal. This presumes that funding and a systematic program is currently in place. Now it should be expanded to include a historical marker for the Blue Chapel especially since Mayor Stack, Commissioner Fernandez, and the City Historian agree as to the community’s esteem and the centrality of the Blue Chapel in the lives past and present of many residents.
Let me respectfully request that Union City’s historical advisory Committee vet this through Mayor Stack and all Commissioners to be erected on behalf of its citizens as each existing historical marker now proclaims at five sites. The former Passionist Monastery under a previous administration already has a historical marker. The precedent is set for the Blue Chapel to have one too as close to the site as possible.

Kind regards,

Tony Squire

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